Greetings in the lovely name of our risen saviour, Jesus Christ!! While the mission field and ministry can sometimes require us to endure many hardships, it is worth it all to know that the Lord has given us such a great calling to serve him here in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Highlands Baptist Bible Institute: We will have our final exams for HBBI on the second week of December, and we ask that you pray for our students as they prepare for the written and practical testing. We have been blessed to see so many men and women come from all over the highlands each week to continue studying the Scriptures to be better equipped for the work of God. Our classes will resume in March of 2025, so please pray with us as we prepare during our school break for another year of investing into the ministry leadership of Papua New Guinea.
Kelua Ministry: In October, two chiefs and the elected counselor in Kelua came to town to ask if we would come and hold a three-day tent meeting for them. Although it was somewhat last minute, we excitedly agreed to come for October 9th – 11th and provide gospel preaching. The second night, we rejoiced to see John, one of the chiefs in the community call on the Lord to save him!! John has been coming to our services and has begun to share the gospel and his testimony with the folks in the community.
Also, please continue to pray for our weekly services in Kelua. Our Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening meetings have been going very well and it is a great blessing to see our new believers continue to grow and increase in their faith. Please pray for these new Christians as they each are all facing different struggles from family and other members of the community. While our Sunday services are mostly salvation themed as we go verse by verse through the gospel of John, our Wednesday meetings have focused on the foundational things needed in the Christian life (prayer, bible reading, witnessing, baptism, etc.)
Gospel Tent Ministry: In our last letter, we asked you all to consider partnering with us in purchasing a 50 x 80 tent to use for gospel meetings here in the highlands. We were blessed to see the funds for the tent come in very quickly as well as the cost estimated for shipping to Papua New Guinea. We have made the payment to the tent company, and they estimate the tent to be ready for shipping around the beginning of February. The shipping company has notified us that their next container will leave out for PNG around the beginning of March. We would also like to purchase a generator and a portable sound system to use in our tent meetings, so if you would still like to give towards this project, please designate your gift as “Seremak Tent Ministry. ”
Although the tent has not arrived in PNG, our gospel tent ministry seems to have already taken off.
Many of our Bible school students are preachers who are currently working to plant churches in various locations in the highlands, and we plan to go to these various places to hold gospel tent meetings to help these small works get the gospel out to their communities. Each month, we will have a gospel meeting in a different area, so until the tent arrives, we will continue rent from some local companies when they have tents available.
Please pray for the Lord to use this new ministry to both save souls and to encourage/strengthen the various church plants around the highlands. Thank you all so much for your prayers and financial investment into the work here in Papua New Guinea.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me;”
~~Romans 15:30~~
To God Be the Glory,
Kenneth Seremak and Family